Here's our opening session - recorded on Zoom.
My apologies for not setting the camera to speaker view!
A Journaling practice has a number of different benefits -
It's a fun and fulfilling way to record memories
a place to express yourself creatively
a hiding place for your dreams and visions
a way to work through your emotions
also a playground to work on your art skills.
Let's gently open the garden gate leading to your journey into keeping an art journal.
Day One
Draw a Duck?
The purpose of doing blind contour drawing is to build up the neural pathway from your eyes to your brain to your hand.
With practice it builds your ability to SEE, which leads to your ability to draw what you see. Once you can do that, you won't be locked into anyone else's version of what a thing should look like. Cool, huh?

There are still times when you might want a "how to draw the thing" example, and little drawing exercises like this are especially fun with children. So for that, there are a couple of books I like.
The "Step-by-Step" ones are good - I've done them with my own grandchildren, ages 6 and 7.