Before we can really start filling our pages with color, we need to learn about different materials.
First we'll look at Watercolor and Gouache and how they're different - so you know what you have and what it'll do.
I've also included a couple of painting examples.
Here's where it starts to get fun!
I'll be talking about my favorite travel watercolor set, but WHATEVER watercolors you have will work for you.
Here's your Color Wheel to print out -
glue it inside the back cover of your journal.

These images are all watercolor. I love that when it's wet, the color likes to play and mix together.

The images below are all done with gouache. Gouache is opaque and behaves a lot like acrylic paint - it stays put when you paint it. So if you tried to do the watery rainbow effect with gouache, it wouldn't mix together as well as watercolor does.

Here are links to some of the products I've used in this lesson.
Just a note - the pan gouache is easier to carry around than the tube gouache (if you want to play with gouache at all).