Eggshell Art dates back through the centuries. I've seen examples from Vietnam, and read that it was a popular art form in renaissance Italy, but the oldest examples seem to come from China. It was even used to make intricate inlay in furniture.
My method of producing this art came from many trial and error experiments with different materials. What I've recorded for you is the tried-and-true process that produces consistently beautiful results. Yay!
There are three times during the "Eggshell Art Experience" that you may utter a smiling "wow!"
Little bits of eggshell will be all around your work area. It's good to work on top of a large paper towel

Your piece will be very fragile while wet - it needs a good safe place to sit for awhile and dry. Drying time will depend on how wet your painting medium is. Alcohol inks dry faster, and setting the piece in sunlight on a warm day always speeds things up.

Here you'll find the materials I've used:
My first choice for a mounting surface is a plain white matboard. You can find this at art supply stores and cut to your own specifications. If you want to avoid all that cutting, then these little pre-cut boards from Jerry's Artarama work fine. They say that they are canvas textured, but the texture is minimal.
The Alcohol Inks I've used are either Ranger Tim Holtz Adirondack, or Pinata. There are some sample links below, and as you look you'll see that there are lots of colors. I built up my supply over time and would suggest that you just get just a few to try out to begin with.